Journey with the Shoebill_chic

Judith aka Shoebill chic gets her instagram name from her continuous quest for information on the Shoebill, a data deficient species yet remains top of every bird watcher’s list coming to Africa. She has done research on the species since her EDGE (Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered Species) fellowship in 2017-2019 after which she has continued to work with the local communities at Mabamba and Makanaga Wetlands on the shores of Lake Victoria, famous places to find a Shoebill.

The Shoebill inhabits fresh water wetlands where it feeds on fish, frogs, young crocodiles, snakes and other aquatic prey. The experience on a slow moving canoe wading through the network of narrow channels engulfs you in fresh air and you watch the “lily trotters” the African Jacana hopping from one water lily to another catching flying insects. A mere two hours from Entebbe or Kampala will make your dream come true….Meeting one of the bizarre and yet pre-historic birds of the world. Let the best take you!!!!

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